Tuesday 14 June 2016

Rava Kesari

Rava or Samolina -1cup
Cardamom powder -1/4  Tea spoon
Cashew nuts -10 (chopped)
Dry grapes -10
Ghee -6 Table spoon
Pinch of Orange colour

 How to prepare:
 1.keep pan on a low flame.
 2.add the ghee, when it become hot ,
   add rava to it and fry it for few mins.
    then put the roasted rava in a plate &             keep it aside
 3.Pour water in to the pan  ,add sugar to         it & stir.
   add pinch of orange food color & stir.
 4.Now add roasted rava and allow it to             cook.
    (keep stirring in between) & add
    cardamom powder & clove to it and               mix. turnoff the flame.
  5.Take another pan , put little ghee in to          it then  fry cashew & dry grapes.
  6. add cashew and dry grapes in to a pan           containing  rava kesari and mix
  7. You can serve hot or warm.


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