Wednesday 15 June 2016

Simple Bread Cake


Sugar -2 Table spoon
Bread-6 slices ( cut the edges if a bread and Put it in a good processor and make a bread powder)
Cashewnuts -10
Dry Grapes-10
Cardamom Powder-1/4 Tea spoon
Milk -1/2cup

How to prepare:
1.Take a bowl ,add sugar and egg ,milk stir until all the sugar dissolves in
 it, add bread powder  and mix well.
2.Then add cardamom powder , cashews , dry grapes and almond.
3.Apply butter to cake tin (round or square) and pour the above mixture. can transfer this mixture to microwave safe bowl and cook for 4-5 mins
5.Check whether cake is cooked by inserting tooth pick in to it.
6.Take the cake out and keep it in a refreigerator for 30mins, you can cut with knife in to any desired shape.
7.Yummy cake is ready.

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