Wednesday 22 June 2016

Wheat Halva (atte ka halva)

Preparation time -5mins
Cooking time-15mins

Wheat flour -1/2 cup
Water -1cup
Sugar(powdered) -1/2 cup (you can adjust as per taste)
Ghee -4-5 Table spoon
Cashews -10
Almond -5
Dry grapes -10(optional)
Cardamom powder-1/4 Tea spoon

How to prepare:
1.First take a pan ,add ghee ,then put wheat flour and roast for 5-6 mins.
2.Now add water little by little and keep stiring at the same time to avoid lumps.(3-4mins)
3.Once all the water absorbed add sugar and mix it well,intially it will be sticky,but later on it will become smooth.
4.Keep stiring  in between.(cook for 3-4mins)
5.Add little ghee and cardamom powder ,mix well. (Turnoff the flame)
6 .Finally add fried cashews ,dry grapes and almond.

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